


個人成長Coaching是你的專屬時間。透過Coaching有系統和有目的性的對話,給予自己時間去整理自己的思緒,反思一些對自己很重要,但在每日繁忙的生活裏未能深入反思和整理的問題。 從發現和深入探討問題的過程中,助你更迅速和深入地了解自己真正的想法、感受、 動機、意義等等,Regain Clarity,好讓你能尋找屬於你自己的答案,為自己作出更適合的選擇,活出你真正想要的人生!鄔仔我與你一起成長,一起同行 🤗


  • From Now to Future


  • No Advising


  • Being With 同行


  • Fit You to a T

    Coaching是需要高度專注的訓練,為確保每個Coaching Session達到最有效的效果,拿捏到「剛剛好」的藝術是關鍵!試想一下,如果你兩小時一直不停地做運動的話,你必然也會累透了,並需要時間休息休息,好讓身體慢慢復原、提升和成長。你的心理和個人成長也一樣,是需要時間的,欲速則不達。 作為Coach的我亦會因應你個別的需要和成長進度作出貼心的調整及支援。

  • Non-Judgemental

    在Coaching中,我們不單會分享事情的發生經過,還會討論到大家不同的想法、觀點、感受、情緒等等,所以我們注重的是互相明白、理解、信任和接納,執着於認清事情的真相 Regain Clarity,而不是對與錯。 畢竟人生大部份真的重要的事並沒有對錯可言,更沒有所謂的應不應該。

  • Stay Open-Minded

    放下對錯是能夠認清真相的第一步,亦只有這樣我們才能從多角度作出客觀討論, 助你會發現更多你預料之外的事,消除盲點,並為你開拓更多的可能性。要有效地實踐以上所有,雙方能夠保持開放式的態度絕對是關鍵!

學生成長分享 Testimonials

“I’ve been on and off coaching with Princeton for a couple of years now, the time and energy invested in coaching are definitely the best investments I’d ever made.

In the last 10 sessions of bi-weekly coaching, I’d made a significant amount of progress in my life, my relationships, and at work. What stood out to me was that Princeton was able to recognize areas that I needed to work on before I was even aware of it. We worked on forming a structured plan focusing on my needs at the current moment and making each coaching session as effective as possible. Along this coaching journey, I was able to experience, learn and reflect on a much deeper level than I wouldn’t have otherwise experienced without a coach.

The most important part of this journey was putting trust in Princeton and staying committed to my decision with coaching. The journey was full of emotions, from time to time, there are doubts and discomfort, but mostly, it was the gratefulness. The joy that I experienced from getting unstuck, working towards a goal, making small changes, seeing progress, and believing that Princeton is able to help me to get better are what kept me going.

I highly recommend Princeton being your coach in any areas that you want to work on in your life. Not only does he always give his best to his client, but he is also able to provide what his client needs the most to get the best coaching experience possible. There are countless times that he offered feedback, insights and support outside of our coaching sessions because he cares so much about his clients.

Now, our coaching sessions have come to a pause, I'm happy to say that I am seeing continuous improvements in other aspects of my life, such as making new progress in my physical and mental health, forming a closer relationship with friends and family, learning better at work, and becoming a better version of myself every day.

Coaching is a big part of my personal growth in my early twenties, I couldn’t be more happy and proud to say that my awareness and understanding of myself is the deepest and strongest that I’ve ever been. I’m so thankful to have had this opportunity to work with Princeton!”

Sabrina C. — 個人成長 Coaching Client

“I had a lot of doubts and concerns/questions when I first started. I did not know if coaching is going to work and how effective it could be and how far can I/we go. I did not know if I were going to have resistance. Resistance towards what is going to change in my life, towards something I don’t know or I don’t want to know. There were a lot of struggles in the first two weeks, it felt like the digging you had to do before you got to the water in the desert. They are something I had to go through, yet very tough, and I did not know if I was going to get to the water (the purpose of coaching) at the end of the day. I won’t say all my concerns and doubts are gone completely, but I believe I will find those answers on the way.

A lot of times, when I was talking to some of my peers or colleagues, we felt quite helpless to do something we know we could have done but we did not. For example, some of us completely forgot about the lunch that we scheduled before, we knew that we could have set a calendar reminder yet we did not for some reason. We knew that we wanted to improve our communication skills, yet just stay silent in our comfort zone. Even my boyfriend would say, no one likes changes (maybe he’s just referring to himself too). But I want to. I want to take back the control of my life. Though I have explored a lot of places, I still have fear of the unknown. This is inevitable, but through the past couple weeks of coaching, I think I have slowly gained back the courage to face something that I could not face. I felt less helpless when I got to know what attitude and strategy I can use to face them. At the current stage, knowing how to deal with things or “practical” skills is what I am getting most out of the coaching. I understand knowing why is very important also, and I believe I could learn and explore more in the following sections. ”

Macy C. — 個人成長 Coaching Client

鄔仔 Princeton Wu

你的個人成長導師 Personal Growth Instructor



從2016年開始推廣和教授不同的【個人成長課程】,並在2018開始提供【一對一輔導服務】(Coaching)。在2020年正式創辦了The Wake Up Call Personal Growth EQ Center,希望在每天繁忙的日子裏,為大家創造一個「空間」,好讓我們能夠「停一停,諗一諗」,去反思、學習和與自己內心聯繫起來,提升自醒能力 (self-awareness) 和情商 (EQ),重新認識自己,保持心理健康 (mental health),促進我們的個人成長 (personal growth),積極地把握自己的人生!

鄔仔亦選擇以廣東話教學,希望能做到同聲同氣,「 幫返自己友!」 令當下的年青人和鄔仔一樣,認知到我們是可以選擇更適合自己的生活模式,成為一個更好的自己!讓我們一起開啟你的個人成長之旅,與你同行。